Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Design color for 2013

Happy New Year!

If you're like me you've been busy traveling, putting away the Christmas decor, and starting to organize for the new year ahead!  Today I got back to the studio, and started some new painting projects I will show soon.

As many of you know the color for 2012 was Orange, and the design color for 2013 is Emerald Green.

In 2012, we had energy-2013 is about prosperity.  So in the world of colors, Pantone says goodbye, Tangerine Tango, and hello, Emerald. It's the color of growth, renewal and prosperity.

I picked up Annie Sloan Paint "Florence" when I was in Charleston this past summer, and these were some pieces I painted:

 May we all take time to Grow, Renew, and Prosper this coming year!  I hope it's your best year yet!


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